Δευτέρα 6 Αυγούστου 2018

Silat Terminology

Adat: Rules of conduct
Balik Hadap: Turn around
Bantingan: Throwing the opponent
Bapak / Pak: Literally father, this is a term of respect used for men older than yourself
Bela Diri: Self-defense
Beset: Rear stepping sweep or tripping obstacle
Beset Dalem: Inside sweep
Beset Luar: Outside sweep
Blok: Block
Buah: Literally means “Fruit”
Buang: To throw away
Buka: Opening
Dalem: Inside
Dasar Pasan: Flowing with the entire body
Dekok: Literally ditch, to make part of your body hollow or empty
Dempok: Back seated, cross legged position
Depan: Vertical rising elbow
Djurus: Literally direction or steps, this refers to a sequence of moves like Kata in the Japanese arts
Djurusan: Techniques from the Djurus
Dongkari: Vertical dropping elbow
Duduk: The sitting position
Ekos: Escape, avoid
Garis: Line
Gedor: Backfist
Gerakan: Motion
Goyong: Shake
Guar: Striking with the edge (inside or outside) of the hand
Gunting: “Scissors”, the act of cutting, crushing, trapping, or mirror strikes
Guru: Teacher, both the person conducting the lesson and a term of respect
Guru Muda: Young teacher
Hormat: Respect, loyalty, indebtedness
Jalur: Straight line
Kailat: Open area intrusion or closing on the target
Kaisin: To open and close the heart
Kaki: Leg or foot
Kaki Besi Kanan: Turn foot to the right (kick)
Kaki Besi Kirie: Turn foot to the left (kick)
Kanan: Right
Kedutan: Palm of the hand
Kelid: Techniques to dodge an attack
Kembangan: “Flower Dance”, shadow fighting
Kendang: Training hall or school
Kilap: “Thunder Clap”, a style of nerve center strikes
Kilat: Speed of precise execution
Kinjit: Elbow directed throwing technique
Kiri: Left
Kuda-Kuda: Stance (literally horse-horse)
Kuda-Kuda Depan: Front stance
Kuda-Kuda Belakang: Back stance
Kuda-Kuda Tengah: Middle stance (called horse stance in most other martial arts)
Kuda-Kuda Samping: Side stance (like a front stance, but facing to the side)
Kuda-Kuda Rendah: Low stance
Kunci: Locks
Kuncian: Locking
Kuntao: Originally a Chinese art, meaning “The way of the hand or foot”
Langkah: Stepping and footwork
Langkah Lurus: Linear stepping
Langkah Persegitiga: Triangle stepping
Langkah Persigiempat: Square stepping
Langkah Bintang: Star stepping
Langkah Sigsag: Zig zag stepping
Latihan: Practice
Lompat: To jump
Luar: Outside
Maha Guru: Senior teacher
Maju: Advance, move forward
Mundur: Retreat, back up
Murid: Basic student or disciple
Paneges: To cut down the base of the opponent
Pantjar: Geometric floor platform
Pasang: Readiness position, fighting stance
Patahan: To break
Pentjak: The Art of rhythmic movement occasioned for self-defense
Pendekar: A master of the martial arts
Pentjakkers: People that practice Pentjak Silat
Pombas Mian: To kill the opponent
Pukul: Punch, strike
Pukul Ayer Terjun: Waterfall punch
Pukul Lurus Tangan: Straight jab punch
Pukul Membalekan: Inverted punch
Pukulan: Punching, striking
Puter Kepala: Literally turning the head, the act of throwing a person by turning, or cranking the head
Sabit: Front instep kick, kicking side to side
Sabit Tumit: Heel thrusting kicks
Salamat: To thank
Sambut: Training mode to develop flow, you move from technical essence to technical essence without your partner stepping or countering, though they may offer resistance
Sambutan: Training mode to develop flow, your partner steps out of your technical essence and you track to your next, literally means “reception”
Sapu: Ankle sweep, torquing throw for re-positioning
Sapu Luar: Inside sweep
Sapu Dalem: Outside sweep
Sekurum: Cross or addition sign “+”
Seliwa / Slewah: Half moon, refers to a stance resembling the front stance, but with the back leg bent
Sempok: Front seated, cross legged position
Sepah: Kick
Serangan: Attack
Siap: Ready
Sikap: Position or posture of the body
Sikut: Horizontal elbow
Sila / Siloh: The cross sit position, the two positions/motions of Sempok and Depok are collectively known as Siloh
Silat: Skill for fighting
Simur: Thrusting elbow
Sliwa: Square foot pattern used to teach decoy and evasion
Sumbutan: Fighting
Susulan: Reverse heel kick or hook kick
Tameng: Shield
Tangan: Hand
Tangkis: Block or ward off a strike
Tangkisan: Blocking
Tebasan: To sweep
Teke: Flat fist, or cobra strike
Tempiling: Hard slapping
Tendang: Kick
Tendangan: Kicking
Tewak: Grab
Tewekan: Thrusting finger jab
Tiga: Triangle
Tileup: Circular elbow redirect
Satu: One
Dua: Two
Tiga: Three
Empat: Four
Lima: Five
Enam: Six
Tujuh: Seven
Delapan: Eight
Sembilan: Nine
Sepuluh: Ten

Η Ακαδημία Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do βρίσκεται στην Αθήνα, στην διεύθυνση: Δήλου 9, (κάθετα στην Φορμίωνος, σύνορα Βύρωνα-Καισαριανής).

Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732 (Αγ. Φανούριος - Ακαδημία - Ζωοδ. Πηγή) (στάση 9η Φορμίωνος).

Επίσης πρόσβαση με την τοπική Δημοτική Συγκοινωνία του Δήμου Βύρωνα με το λεωφορείο 10 (Καρέας - Ντάνκαν) και το λεωφορείο 20 (Κουταλάς - Αγ. Λάζαρος) (στάση Φωκαίας). 

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